- Hierarchy starts with a controller/supervisor
- It is a worker node elected by its peers to officiate in the administrative capacity of a controller
- The worker node selected as controller is the one that is been around the longest
- Maintain inventory of what workers are available to take on work.
- Maintain a list of work items that has been committed to and assigned to workers
- Maintain active status of the staff and their progress on assigned tasks
- Once a controller is established and the workers are assigned and available team is formed
- Team formation is the cluster and its members brokers that have assigned themselves to a designated controller within the cluster.
- When a task comes in from a kafka producer, the controller has to make a decision which worker should take it. There are lot of factor to play
The controller within kafka has the following resposibilities
- Work availability and health
- Needs to know who is available in good health
- Task redundancy
- What risk policy should govern its assignment decisions.Thing that determines what level of replication to employ in case as assigned worker fails
- It has to ensure that if work is assigned to a worker,and that worker becomes unavailable, the work assigned or that work already done is not lost
- Each task given to a worker must also be given to at least one of the workers peers in the event of an unexpected catastrophe, but among a group
- Promotion
- For an assignment, if the controller determines redundancy is required, it will promote a worker into a leader, which will take direct ownership of the task assigned.
- It would be leaders job to recruit two of its peers to take part in the replication
- The risk factor to protect against loss is known as its replication factor
- Once peers have committed to a leader a Quorom is formed.
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