Problem Statement
Given a string, determine if it is a palindrome, considering only alphanumeric characters and ignoring cases.
"A man, a plan, a canal: Panama" is a palindrome. "race a car" is not a palindrome.
Have you consider that the string might be empty? This is a good question to ask during an interview.
For the purpose of this problem, we define empty string as valid palindrome.
Link to GitHub python:Code1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | def isPalindrome(s): head,tail=0,len(s)-1 while head < tail: while head <tail and not s[head].isalnum(): head+=1 while head <tail and not s[tail].isalnum(): tail-=1 if s[head].lower() != s[tail].lower(): return False head+=1; tail-=1 return True isPalindrome("bob bob") |
Link to GitHub JavaScript: Code
- We need 2 pointers head and tail
- Head is the initial position and tail is the last position in the array
- Increment the header if we do not find valid character .Decrement the tail if we do not find the valid character.
- Loop through the array till we find tail is greater than head
- Return false if header character is not equal to tail
public static boolean get(String str) { //if string is empty return true if(str.isEmpty()) { return true; } int head =0, tail=str.length()-1; //loop through the strings to find if it is a valid palindrome while(head <= tail) { //Increment the header if the character isLetter or digit if(!Character.isLetterOrDigit(str.charAt(head))){ head++; } //Decrement the tail if the character isLetter or digit else if(!Character.isLetterOrDigit(str.charAt(tail))){ tail--; } else { if(Character.toLowerCase(str.charAt(head))
!=Character.toLowerCase(str.charAt(tail))) { return false; } head++; tail--; } } return true; }
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