In one of the interview I was asked how to eliminate tricky double in an array.I have not heard about tricky double.
Tricky double means
" 1, 2, 8, 9, 1, 2 , 3, 2 " . In this example what we notice is that 1, 2 is a tricky double. However 2 is repeated twice it is not a tricky double.
Now in the above example we need to eliminate 1, 2 from the array. I tried to look for solutions online. However I was not able to find any solution.
I was able to solve this problem
Steps involved
1. Convert the integer to Alphabets . This can be achieved by adding 64 and converting ascii character to string2. Append the string characters in increments of 2
" 1, 2, 8, 9, 1, 2 , 3, 2 " would be " AB,HI,AB,CB"
3. Add the new set of strings to an array.
4. Eliminate duplicates
5. Convert the string value to integer
function trickyDouble(arr) { var exists =[], outArray =[], cur, double; dupcheck ={}, str="", arr2=""; //Loop to add 2 consecutive values and convert the numbers to characters //Note we are adding 64 for(i=0;i<=arr.length-1;i+=2) { cur=arr[i]; //Converts integervalues to alphabets //String.fromCharCode uysed to convert character based on the ascci value double=String.fromCharCode(64+arr[i]) + String.fromCharCode(64+arr[i+1]) exists.push(double); } //Elimenate duplicates for(j=0;j<=exists.length-1;j++) { if(!dupcheck[exists[j]]) { dupcheck[exists[j]]=true; str=str+exists[j]; } } //Spread operator converts string to an array of characters arr2 = [...str] for(k=0;k<=arr2.length-1;k++) { //convert the character value to number //note we are subtracting 64 outArray.push(arr2[k].charCodeAt()-64) } ///Convert all the character array to numbers return outArray; }
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