Monday, February 13, 2017

Export functions in node

  • We need to create an external file and use module.exports. We can emit module.
  • Create a function named as firstName and lastName assign string values as shown below

Example 1

Create a new file

//When we use functions we have to use module
       return "My First is Prathap";

       return "My lastName is Kudupu";

  • Specify the path of the JavaScript file to be referred in the file'
  • Now we can directly use the function as shown below

Reference the file using require

console.log("Reference other file functions in node");
//Refer other javascript file. dependency management
var greetings=require("./referencefile.js");
//call the function from the other Javascript file


  • Run the JavaScript code in node

c:\Development\NodeProjects\vanilanode>node app
Reference other file functions in node
My First is Prathap
My lastName is Kudupu

Example 2

In this example we are setting the values in the constructor
//When we use functions as a con
module.exports= function(){
    this.firstName= "My First name is Prathap from class";
    this.lastName= "My Last name  is Prathap";

We need to create a new instance of the class. We can then use the properties

console.log("Reference other file functions in node");
//Export a class from other file
var classGreetings=require("./classReference.js");
//Declare an instance of a class
var greetClass=new classGreetings
//call the function from the other Javascript file

Output in the console app
c:\Development\NodeProjects\vanilanode>node app
Reference other file functions in node
My First name is Prathap from class

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