libuv :
- A high performance cross platform evented i/o library
- Replaces or abstracts several unix only library that is required by the project
- Built as a part of porting js to windows
- Googles JavaScript engine (used in chrome)
JS, C++
- This is custom JavaScript / c++ code developed specifically for node
More about Node:
- Supports modular JavaScript
- Encourages non-blocking(asynchronous code)
- HTTP, Networking, and web sockets are 1st class citizens
- Low-level fast platform
All JavaScript is executed under Google's V8 Engine
- Predictable execution model ( As we have to deal with only one engine )
- ES 5 is supported in NodeJS 0.5.1 and later
- V8 also supports just in time compilation and optimizing compiler (Complied and cashed)
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